Full presentation available here
Greedy learning
Optimistic learning
Probability Matching learning
Nexus with Game Theory
Internal and External regret
Internal Regret | External Regret |
Compares the loss incurred by changing actions in a pairwise manner | Compares the expected reward of the actual mixed strategy with the best action |
External-regret minimizing Algorithms
Internal-regret minimizing Algorithms
Remarkable guarantees (convergence, performance, etc.) are often achieved only if certain assumptions hold:
Assumption | Drawbacks |
All the players use the same strategy | Not feasible in dense and heterogeneous scenarios |
The number of users is fixed and known | While the former implies that the network remains static, the latter entails communication or additional hardware |
User-specific penalties are applied | A strong knowledge on the scenario must be known on before-hand |
The reward generation process is relaxed and only depends on the own actions | Unfeasible in potentially overlapping scenarios, where the outer interference severely affects to the performance of a given WN |
Reward Distributions
MABs formulation
Reward Generation
Reward Normalization
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